Wednesday, February 16, 2011

And one for my theatre friends.


Hello, interwebs. alerted me to another unnecessary game this evening. This one, brought to you by and downloadable over at VectorBelly Webcomics, is based on Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot. And it is jam packed with waiting action!   Here's a video of the compelling gamplay:

 What? No failed self hangings?  No Pozo? No Lucky? Shenanigans.

Alright, I can't say for sure whether those elements are ever brought up during gameplay and I do no intend to find out.  No, I am not going to play this game.  Mostly because I don't feel like downloading it, but secondly because I've read Waiting for Godot. And if you don't know Waiting For Godot, I wouldn't suggest you play it either (though please do go see the play if you get a chance.)  I would, however, suggest that you tell your non-theatre friends to play this game. . . best/cruelest prank ever. . . probably almost as good as telling your friends that Penn and Teller's "Smoke and Mirror's" (specifically Desert Bus) is the most riveting gameplay experience ever.  

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

8-Bit Great Gastby for NES. Best thing ever?

That's right, Nicole Campos over at found this little gem online.


It's open source and available to play right over meah. Okay, so first I have to admit I never read The Great Gatsby (its on my Nook reading list. . . at least it is now. . . shut up!) but I don't think that really matters. I love it and its pretty straight forward: find Gatsby. . . I think. . . or whoever that smug douche with the white suit, blonde hair and blindingly shiny teeth over there is. . .

                                                                 Shiny-teeth motherf*****

At least I'm pretty sure that's what's going on and that he'll be at the end of each level.  I think. Again, never read he book and to be honest I spent most of my time trying to get screenshots so I didn't get too far in yet.  Anyway,  you complete the levels by collecting flashing coins and martinis. Also by destroying all enemies with your second boomerang-like fedora I'm assuming you keep in your snappy little vest.

That butler shouldn't be on the bookcase with that martini anyway. Irresponsible, that's what that is. 

And by enemies I mean butlers, flappers, washed-out-white-faced-Uncle-Sams, small malevolent Blue Jays. . . you know, whoever's around.

                         Dancing on slippery brick walls? This whole party is a lawsuit waiting to happen.

Oh and if you manage to grab a shiny gold fedora you'll suddenly dress snazzier/more like the mask for a minute. I can't really figure out the purpose of that, but again - does it matter? Not to me it doesn't! This game is nothing but good times. Except for the whole no pausing, no saving thing.  Dammit 8-bit.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Because I really did want to be Judy Funny when I grew up. . .

I found this list of key words/phrases in Beatnikese on good 'ol Tumblr.

Enjoy trying to fit those into your daily vocabulary. I know I will.   You dig?