Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Last week was crazy. After seeing Paranormal Activity, going costume shopping and to Waffle House, I woke up at 6am - insanely ill. It was probably massive amount of popcorn I ate, but I was in no condition for the gym the next morning - or the morning after that. Basically I missed a whole week of training. This is something my body was not happy about yesterday, my first day of training since.

My friend Jake has joined Bally's now as well. We had a training session this morning where he basically cursed me the whole time. But, he did promise himself he wasn't going to go home in the same shape he left so I told him all the hard work would be worth it.

I applied to 3 (technically 4) Professional Internships. So far I've had an interview for one (two, rather: CP Alumni Only. Guest Relations and Vacation Club Sales Assistant.) and I've been rejected for one (Public Relations). I still haven't heard back from Internship Three - Social Media and Marketing - or Weddings and Youth Marketing. I hope I get contacted for an interview soon.

In family news, my Uncle Larry died last Thursday. My family is in Orlando right now, but I called off for Bereavement Leave so I can go back to Tampa with them to help clean out the apartment. I'm so glad my Managers are so nice and understanding, I love my area. But my parents want to leave around 10am tomorrow. So I'm going with Jake to do a double training session again at 7:30am, then stopping by Walgreens to refill prescriptions, changing super-fast then meeting the parents at the gate.

And now, I have to go shower and get to bed. Hopefully I'm not as light of a sleeper as I was last night.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Not too shabby

At the end of a crazy week (work-wise and family-life-wise) was a pretty good day.

Tonight I worked Glow - which I was dreading. I like Glow while I'm out with the cart, but once I get back something always goes wrong to stress me out and ruin the night. Well, I haven't worked glow in a few weeks and since then they've moved all of the stuff to Norway. No longer are week counting and/or building our carts in a sweltering hot container. Now we're indoors, not only in shade but in the cool air conditioning (or in today's case, the warmth - it was freaking cold today.) So, that was a nice change. I was also Glowing with Ron and Rebeca. Ron is a fun guy and really chill, and I love Rebeca. She is adorable.
After a stress free count of the carts and a delicious dinner break (thanks for sending me that chili recipe, Kelley) I rolled my cart over to Germany. It's the Food and Wine Festival right now in Epcot, so the number of inebriates has multiplied. Those that I encountered tonight were hilarious. Two guys loved wearing the Chomping Skulls so much they came back and bought the two I had attached to my cart so they could wear them on their back, too.
At 9:20 I rolled my cart back without much trouble and after all the counts were done for the evening I had made $980 and was only short $11. Amazing. Best night Glowing, yet.

Tomorrow I have class at eight in the morning, then a personal training session with Ally at noon. I also have to stop by Partners to deposit some money into my Savings and possibly open a checking account, depending on how much time I have. Plus I have to work on my resume and apply for those last two Professional Internships I want. BUT in the evening I'm picking up Brittie and we are going to see Paranormal Activity (mmm movie theatre popcorn. . .) then the two of us and some coworkers are going on a hunt for Halloween costumes. Oh my gosh I just realized I only have a week left to go to Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween. Eek!

So much to do, so little time.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Someone decided to give one of our Glowers this - an ad for the Living Waters. Demented.

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Well tonight I am stocking Kiosk and also running Glow . However, there isnt anything in stock that Kiosk could possibly need, so I am just sitting around until one of the Glow Carts needs me.

Trainer Ally weighed me today before our session. I lost 2Lbs which is right on track. I've almost finished the eight sessions I paid for when I joined but I would like to keep going if I can. I feel healthier, my stomache is flatter and I know if I keep it up I could do even better. We're supposed to talk about it on Friday, but I am worried about cost.

Ah well, time to wait for someone to need me.